Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 14.03.2007 19:57 Uhr
Thema: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? S01E01 Antwort auf: Fernsehen bildet - Perfekte Dinner & Florian Silbereisen von Sascha

Das ganze ist recht spaßig, auch wenn der Moderator aussieht wie... wie... Ned
Flanders?! Kommt bestimmt auch bald in Deutschland, anstelle der Fünftklässler
sizten dann aber wahrscheinlich nur Elton, Gülcan und diese blonde Transe da.

"Olivia Jones?"

Nein, Sonya Kraus.

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? is an American game show on FOX.

In addition, the format has been sold across the world for local versions
in other countries. Deals have been signed for an Australian version on
Channel Ten and a Brazilian version on SBT, among others
In each game, the contestant (an adult) is asked a series of eleven
questions, taken from textbooks for first through fifth grade students.
Before starting play, the contestant is given ten subjects (such as U.S.
History, Math or Social Studies), each of which are associated with a grade
level; there are two questions per grade, from first to fifth. Contestants
can answer the questions in any order, and each correct answer raises their
cumulative amount of winnings to the next level (see table on left); after a
contestant answers the fifth question correctly, they cannot leave the game
with less than $25,000. If a contestant correctly answers the first ten
questions, they receive a bonus question, worth US$1,000,000.

Five actual fifth graders (some of whom are also professional child actors)
appear on each show and play along onstage - each episode has the same cast
of children: Kyle Collier, 10; Alana Ethridge, age 9; Jacob Hays, 11; Laura
Marano, 11; and Spencer Martin, 10. The contestant chooses one to be their
"classmate" for two questions at a time, and often consults with the child
as to their favorite subjects before choosing a topic. Each child may only
be the contestant's classmate for two questions (done consecutively), after
which the contestant picks another child, from those who have not yet played
in that game.
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