Felix Deutschland  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 28.03.2016 16:27 Uhr
Thema: Es wird immer besser! Antwort auf: PSN-Lizenz-Gedönse von Felix Deutschland
Mit dem Chat gechattet. War sehr nett. Hier das Protokoll:

Ruth (28.3.2016, 15:58:16): Hello, My name is Ruth how may I assist you today?
Me (28.3.2016, 15:58:45): Hi! I've got a problem with the activation of my PS4 as my primary PS4 with my account.
Me (28.3.2016, 15:59:13): There seems to be a logical conflict between the web interface do deactivate my device and re-activate it physically, from my console.
Ruth (28.3.2016, 15:59:45): Happy Monday! I'm so sorry to hear that you are having problems activating and deactivating your accounts. I'll be more than happy to assist you Felix.
Me (28.3.2016, 15:59:48): I have two accounts on my console, both had registered the PS4 as that accounts primary PS4.
Ruth (28.3.2016, 15:59:53): What is the message you are getting when you try to do it?
Me (28.3.2016, 16:00:07): Thanks, that's great. Happy Eastern to you, Ruth.
Me (28.3.2016, 16:00:21): Wait a second, I paste it right here.
Ruth (28.3.2016, 16:00:55): Of course, let me know Feliz.
Me (28.3.2016, 16:01:35): "Cannot activate this system as your primary PS4. You have already activated another system as your primary PS4 with your account. To activate this system, deactivate the other system.
Me (28.3.2016, 16:01:45): That's what's shown on my console.
Ruth (28.3.2016, 16:02:16): I understand Felix. I'm going to provide the steps how to request for deactivation.  Before we proceed, could you please confirm the following:

- First and Last Name
- Online ID (Nickname used on PSN)
- Sign In ID (Email on the account)
Me (28.3.2016, 16:02:21): When I try to deactivate the devices via your web interface, the option is canceled out.  
Me (28.3.2016, 16:03:28): First and Last Name: blablabla
Me (28.3.2016, 16:03:40): Online ID: blablabla
Me (28.3.2016, 16:03:52): Sign In ID: blablabla
Ruth (28.3.2016, 16:04:55): Thank you for the information Felix.
Ruth (28.3.2016, 16:05:55): In regards deactivation, I can't do it for you, and since you are not able to do it via web, you can submit a request for a Specialist to deactivate your console.
You will be notified within 1 business day with a response.

Here is the link to the online request form:

Me (28.3.2016, 16:06:31): Thank you. That's it for this chat, I guess?  
Ruth (28.3.2016, 16:07:19): Yes Felix, just remember that in this form, you are going to be request to place a serial number, since you not have the other console, please place the serial number of the console you have, remember that this is going to deactivate all the consoles attached to the account.
Ruth (28.3.2016, 16:07:32): I would like to know if there is anything else on where I could keep assisting you?
Me (28.3.2016, 16:08:05): No, there's not. Thank you, I hope this will do! Have a great day.

So. Link angeklickt, Daten eingegeben, unter anderem die Seriennummer meiner PS4. Ich bekam folgendes zu sehen:

Liegt das daran, dass meine seriennummer "europäisch" ist? What the shit. What. The. Shit.
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